
The Field Trial Game: Some Insights Into What It Takes to Win ... and What the Future May Hold for the Sport (Training Q&A) The Field Trial Game: Some Insights Into What It Takes to Win ... and What the Future May Hold for the Sport (Training Q&A)
Reinforcing Steadiness: Tips to Prevent Your Dog from Chasing Birds (Fixing Behavior Problems) Reinforcing Steadiness: Tips to Prevent Your Dog from Chasing Birds (Fixing Behavior Problems)
The Importance of Consistency: Be a Leader, Not an Alpha Male (Fixing Behavior Problems) The Importance of Consistency: Be a Leader, Not an Alpha Male (Fixing Behavior Problems)
The Trainability of Females: Plus, Eliminating on Command (Training Q&A) The Trainability of Females: Plus, Eliminating on Command (Training Q&A)
Retrieving Problems: A Structured Program will Provide Solutions (Fixing Behavior Problems) Retrieving Problems: A Structured Program will Provide Solutions (Fixing Behavior Problems)
When Puppies are Aggressive: What's the Ideal Age to Take a Pup from the Litter? (Fixing Behavior Problems) When Puppies are Aggressive: What's the Ideal Age to Take a Pup from the Litter? (Fixing Behavior Problems)