
Sport Psychological Skill Levels and Related Psychosocial Factors That Distinguish Between Rugby Union Players of Different Participation Levels. Sport Psychological Skill Levels and Related Psychosocial Factors That Distinguish Between Rugby Union Players of Different Participation Levels.
The Novel As a Work of Mourning (Trauerarbeit)--a Performative Response to Loss: Reading William Faulkner's As I Lay Dying, Absalom, Absalom!, And Requiem for a Nun As 'Prose Elegies'--an Alternative to Postmodern Melancholy (Report) The Novel As a Work of Mourning (Trauerarbeit)--a Performative Response to Loss: Reading William Faulkner's As I Lay Dying, Absalom, Absalom!, And Requiem for a Nun As 'Prose Elegies'--an Alternative to Postmodern Melancholy (Report)
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Gender Differences in Perceptions of Home Environment Among Indian Adolescents (Report) Gender Differences in Perceptions of Home Environment Among Indian Adolescents (Report)
Taking Stock of the Biopsychosocial Model in the Field of 'Mental Health Care'. Taking Stock of the Biopsychosocial Model in the Field of 'Mental Health Care'.
Walter Benjamin and Psychoanalysis: On Dream and Revolution in Benjamin (Report) Walter Benjamin and Psychoanalysis: On Dream and Revolution in Benjamin (Report)