Adventure Kids

Series • 9 Books • Fairy Tales, Myths & Fables for Kids
Sammy and the Unicorn Sammy and the Unicorn
T. James Logan
Gavin and the Horse King Gavin and the Horse King
T. James Logan
Evan and the Dragonslayer Evan and the Dragonslayer
T. James Logan
They Call Me...Wyatt Lee They Call Me...Wyatt Lee
T. James Logan
Blackbelt Chloe and the Birthday Cake Catastrophe Blackbelt Chloe and the Birthday Cake Catastrophe
Travis Heermann & T. James Logan
Preston and the Great Airship Caper Preston and the Great Airship Caper
T. James Logan
Kaylen and the Lost Spirits Kaylen and the Lost Spirits
T. James Logan
Kid Camden and the Rustler Roundup Kid Camden and the Rustler Roundup
T. James Logan
Cassidy and the Space Monkey Rampage Cassidy and the Space Monkey Rampage
T. James Logan