Asia Bible Commentary Series

Samson L. Uytanlet and Others
Series • 23 Books • Bible Studies
Romans Romans
Andrew B. Spurgeon
Jonah Jonah
Rosa Ching Shao
James James
Luke L. Cheung & Andrew B. Spurgeon
Judges Judges
Athena E. Gorospe & Charles R. Ringma
2 Peter and Jude 2 Peter and Jude
Samson L. Uytanlet
1 Timothy 1 Timothy
Paul Trebilco, Simon H. Rae & Deolito Vistar
Psalms 73–150 Psalms 73–150
Federico G. Villanueva
1 & 2 Kings 1 & 2 Kings
Jesudason Baskar Jeyaraj
Joel, Nahum, and Malachi Joel, Nahum, and Malachi
Joseph Too Shao & Rosa Ching Shao
Ephesians Ephesians
Brian Wintle & Ken Gnanakan