The Berserker Saga

Series • 14 Books • Paranormal Romance
Sold to the Berserkers Sold to the Berserkers
Book 1
Lee Savino
Mated to the Berserkers Mated to the Berserkers
Book 2
Lee Savino
Taken by the Berserkers Taken by the Berserkers
Book 3
Lee Savino
Given to the Berserkers Given to the Berserkers
Book 4
Lee Savino
Claimed by the Berserkers Claimed by the Berserkers
Book 5
Lee Savino
Rescued by the Berserker Rescued by the Berserker
Book 6
Lee Savino
Captured by the Berserkers Captured by the Berserkers
Book 7
Lee Savino
Kidnapped by the Berserkers Kidnapped by the Berserkers
Book 8
Lee Savino
Bonded to the Berserkers Bonded to the Berserkers
Book 9
Lee Savino
Night of the Berserkers Night of the Berserkers
Book 10
Lee Savino