TOPA Topics in Paleobiology

Gerald Mayr and Others
Series • 7 Books • Science & Nature
Dinosaur Paleobiology Dinosaur Paleobiology
Stephen L. Brusatte
Avian Evolution Avian Evolution
Gerald Mayr
Paleobiology of the Polycystine Radiolaria Paleobiology of the Polycystine Radiolaria
David Lazarus, Noritoshi Suzuki, Yoshiyuki Ishitani & Kozo Takahashi
Bryozoan Paleobiology Bryozoan Paleobiology
Paul D. Taylor
Graptolite Paleobiology Graptolite Paleobiology
Jörg Maletz
Cetacean Paleobiology Cetacean Paleobiology
Felix G. Marx, Olivier Lambert & Mark D. Uhen
Amphibian Evolution Amphibian Evolution
Rainer R. Schoch