180 Questions 180 Questions

180 Questions

    • 4.3 • 6 Ratings

Publisher Description

For every educator that is part of a Professional Learning Community, there comes a time when the conversation about ‘learning about learning” slows down or even stops. This book is designed to get the conversation going again by providing daily “conversation starters” for PLCs no matter the grade level, the subject area, or the type of school. Tim Holt has created a daily reflection for each day of a typical school year that challenges educators to start really thinking about teaching and learning on their campuses.

Calling on the talents of those that are part of his Professional Learning Community, such as Sheryl Nussbaum-Beach, Will Richardson, Kevin Honeycutt, Prakash Nair and more, Tim Holt assembles not only a series of questions but though provoking follow ups that carry the user far beyond just a quick answer and leave type exercise. Kevin Honeycutt says “Tim Holt is the kind of technology thinker who cuts through the fog like a laser beam. He gets right to what good can come from the invention, innovation or practice. Tim’s sense of humor and willingness to ask the bigger, harder questions give him a unique and useful voice in the field of educational technology. In this book Tim assembles nuggets of useable, inspirational insights and lets them unfold daily for busy practitioners. As you unveil these moments of wisdom daily and allow them to feed your imagination you’ll connect with other minds in other places who are working alongside you in the “eduverse.” 

Join Tim as he seeks to inspire young minds, unleash learning potential and ultimately make our world a better place through the fertile, well developed imaginations of children.” Some of the 180 Questions seem easy, some are more provocative, and some are humorous. All however, are designed to get the conversation in PLCs back to the subject of education. Each question is followed up something that allows the reader to delve more deeply into the topic, be it a web link, an essay, a video, or even a quiz.

Teachers and administrators alike will benefit from asking themselves and their PLCs these 180 Questions.

    Professional & Technical
    November 13
    Tim Holt
    Tim Holt

    Customer Reviews

    S.Smallwood ,


    Great idea!

    Jeanne Reed ,


    Thanks for sharing your wealth of experience in this insightful book!

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