365 Simple Ways To Feel Closer To God
Daily Activities, Methods, and Goals For You and Your Family
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Publisher Description
In the seemingly endless hustle and bustle of today's world, it is often easy to lose touch with the things that truly matter. Long hours at work, daily errands, the necessary attention to friends--while all of these duties are important, they often combine to make us lose touch with our spiritual side. Most of us long to reconnect with the grace and serenity that God reliably bestows. That's why self-help expert Henry Barradale's 365 SIMPLE WAYS TO FEEL CLOSER TO GOD provides invaluable assistance. This eBook offers an easy-to-implement daily plan for navigating through our hectic contemporary society. 365 SIMPLE WAYS offers invaluable suggestions for pausing--even for a few moments in the morning, noon, or night--to "smell the roses," to appreciate the world around us, and to reuniting with God's peace and love.
Some of the methods and goals that Henry Barradale describes are simple, such as sending special gifts to your loved ones or spending "alone time" in the beauty of God's nature. Other suggestions are more involved, ideas and activities that you may not have previously considered. For example, why not try inviting friends over for a "Psalm Appreciation Night"? How about taking a drive through a new town to discover the church where your ancestors once worshiped? Or maybe even counting the freckles on a young child's face? Whichever methods you choose, this book will help you navigate a path toward God. Soon, you'll find yourself pausing more frequently, getting back in touch with the simple pleasures of life, and reconnecting with the welcome joy of God's love.