A Month of Bedtime Stories: The First Five Stories
3.9 • 49 Ratings
Publisher Description
The first five stories of the highly praised collection, "A Month of Bedtime Stories". Children will love being the main character and hearing about the adventures they had earlier in the day. ("You don't remember? It must have been that bonk on the head that made you forget!") Parents too will enjoy the humor and imagination of this book of immersive, read-aloud bedtime tales.
Customer Reviews
See AllA great read
I cracked up laughing reading these to baby in utero and can’t wait to read them to baby after he gets here.
Big meh
Not anywhere near worth reading to your kids. They’re ok stories not good just … ok. And it’s nowhere near educational enough; not descriptive enough, and the whole book sounds like it was written by an infant not for them. Babies “even in utero” should be read to just like you would if he was 10 or 17 or 5. They’re people too and talking to them like they’re stupid is a self-fulfilling prophecy.
i love this author!
this author is amazing for kids stories. the stories aren’t too long or short a perfect 15 minutes bedtime story that leaves you with a smile.