Actitud 101
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Publisher Description
Los grandes líderes comprenden que la actitud correcta brinda el ambiente adecuado que posibilita que los demás tengan las respuestas apropiadas.
La actitud puede ser el éxito o la ruina suya y la de la gente que dirige.
Las buenas actitudes no garantizan el éxito de un equipo, pero las malas actitudes sí garantizan su ruina. Así dice el afamado escritor y experto en liderazgo John C. Maxwell en este manual sumamente práctico, Actitud 101. Cualquiera que haya intentado dirigir personas con malas actitudes sabe la frustración que esto puede provocar.
Con esta guía concisa y fácil de leer, usted aprenderá a dominar las cuestiones de la actitud. Aprenda a:
Reconocer cómo las actitudes de los individuos influyen en su desempeñoSeñalar problemas de sentimientos, conductas y pensamientos en usted y en otrosIdentificar seis problemas comunes de actitudes que socavan el equipo de trabajoDescubrir el secreto de cambiar una mala actitudCrear nuevas definiciones de fracas y triunfo que mejorarán su desempeñoAdoptar la actitud que ayuda a un líder a pasar al siguiente nivel
La actitud es contagiosa, ¡usted querrá asegurarse de que su equipo esté contagiándose de la actitud correcta!
It would be nice if this point-of-purchase inspirational tract by bestselling author Maxwell (The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership) could distill the motivational wisdom of a long career into a single, power-filled package, but instead, it siphons off a little draught as an enticing taste-test. The idea expounded here is simple enough: a good attitude, while not a guarantee of success, is crucial, whereas a bad attitude--which could include "failing to forgive," "petty jealousy" or "the disease of me"--will ensure failure. Thick with anecdotal evidence, from the life of Van Gogh (a man with a very good attitude, apparently) to the last guy who won the lottery (he still has problems), and studded with confessions that seem like veiled self-compliments, this palm-sized pep talk is a pithy and accessible reminder of basic common sense notions than many of us are apt to forget. For example,"the true nature of leadership is really sacrifice," and "many of us picture success as looking like someone other than who we are." Built as a string of quotations by successful people, the case Maxwell presents is hard to argue against, although any world view that draws equally from activist Martin Luther King Jr. and union-buster Henry Kaiser would seem to leave certain, difficult questions unanswered.
Customer Reviews
The book should have 112 pages why a read only 77
Attitude is everything!
This book serves as a reminder of how important having the right—and positive—attitude. It gets right to the point and has many excellent examples.
Todo en la vida se basa en la actitud