Aestheticism in Art
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Publisher Description
William Hogarth wrote his Analysis of Beauty in 1753, during the Age of Enlightenment. Through this captivating text, he tends to define the notion of beauty in painting and states that it is linked, per se, to the use of the serpentine lines in pictorial compositions. He calls it the line of beauty . His essay is thus dedicated to the study of the composition of paintings, depending on the correct use of the pictorial lines, light, colour, and the figure's attitudes. These timeless concepts have been applied by several artists through the centuries. Paintings from every period have here been chosen to support this demonstration. They allow us to explore the various manners in which beauty can be expressed in painting.
The comick magazine; or, Compleat library: of mirth, humour, wit, gaiety, and entertainment. By the greatest wits of all ages & nations. Enriched with Hogarth's celebrated ... prints. [pt.1]
The analysis of beauty: Written with a view of fixing the fluctuating ideas of taste. By William Hogarth.
Engravings by Hogarth
The Analysis of Beauty
The Analysis of Beauty
Mémoires de Fanny Hill, femme de plaisir ou les mémoires d'une prostituée à Londres au XVIII° siècle [édition intégrale revue et mise à jour]