Bipolar Nation
Will the REAL Majority Please Stand Up?
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Publisher Description
The United States has faced several pivotal strategic challenges over the past century: The rise of fascist powers during the 1930's, the polarization and potential destruction of the world during the Cold War, and most recently the scourge of international terrorists willing to die so that they may do it harm. But now, we face what could be our most dangerous crisis yet: A crisis of identity!
As the Bush years fade into history and the Obama Presidency has taken shape, ordinary Americans find themselves asking: Has something changed or has American political discourse gone mad? Imaginary lines have been drawn, walls have been built (primarily around brains), and intellectual war has been declared. Whereas America used to be a nation that was bipartisan, today it is bipolar.
While the political rhetoric spins and tempers flare, America finds itself mired in insecurity and on unfamiliar ground: We are unable to solve our most critical national problems, our international power appears to be slipping by the moment, and for the first time in memory current generations are unsure they will leave an America that is better for their children than the one they inherited.
BIPOLAR NATION delivers that for which the American people have unfortunately become desperate: An UNBIASED analysis of the forces that are truly shaping America's discourse and hastening its decline. With an unyielding dedication to objectivity, Austin Pearl tackles those critical questions now on the minds of all politically conscientious Americans:
- Who is really at fault for America's escalating political and systemic crises?
- What will the future hold if America continues to divide along political lines?
- Perhaps most importantly: What can YOU do to safeguard American power in the 21st century?
BIPOLAR NATION is not another work of punditry, it is the holy grail of anti-punditry and a call to action for the current generations to restore that which has been lost: Political sensibility. For if the real majority does not stand up, divided we will fall!