Brother Swaggart, Here Is My Question
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Publisher Description
Over a period of time, many, many questions concerning the Bible come into our office. We take each one of them seriously.
In developing this book, as it regards questions and answers, we have done our best to answer those questions most often asked. We have gone into some detail, which hopefully will provide the answers desired, and all according to the Word of God.
Of course, our selections most definitely have not covered all that we would like to address. Perhaps in the near future a second volume will be necessary. Prayerfully, the answers given will open up the Word of God as it regards the subject matter at hand.
Here are samples of some of the questions:
• Who is Satan and where do demon spirits come from?
• What is Blaspheming the Holy Spirit?
• What is the difference between The Great White Throne Judgment and The Judgment Seat of Christ?
• What should be the Christian’s position in respect to alcohol?
• Are homosexuals born that way?