Captain Awesome to the Rescue!
4.4 • 18 Ratings
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Publisher Description
Bad guys beware! Eugene McGillicudy just happens to be the most awesome superhero of all time…Captain Awesome. MI-TEE!
Now readers between the ages of five and seven can read chapter books tailor-made for a younger level of reading comprehension. Heavily illustrated with large type, Little Simon's young chapter books let young readers feel like they are reading a “grown-up” format with subject, text, and illustrations geared specifically for their own age groups!
Eight-year-old Eugene McGillicudy is an imaginative boy who loves comic books and superheroes. Eugene also has his very own supersecret superhero alter ego named Captain Awesome. MI-TEE!
When the McGillicudy family relocates to a new town called Sunnyview, Eugene starts a new school, finds a best friend, and even finds time to defend his toys from his two-year-old little sister, Molly! Luckily for Sunnyview, Captain Awesome is there to protect the town (and the universe) from a hilarious cast of comical “bad guys.”
With easy-to-read language and illustrations on almost every page, the Captain Awesome chapter books are perfect for beginning readers.
The all-too-perfectly named Kirby (alluding to comic book giants Stan Lee and Jack Kirby) kicks off an early chapter book series that introduces eight-year-old Eugene McGillicudy, who views life through the lens of comics and believes himself to be a superhero: Captain Awesome. "That's one of the cool things about being a superhero," Eugene says. "You get to pick your own name." Dressed in his superhero finest (a hoodie, a pair of shorts outside his pants, and a towel cape), Captain Awesome sees villains everywhere: his baby sister is Queen Stinkypants; his teacher Ms. Beasley becomes Miss Beastly; and class meanie Meredith is dubbed Little Miss Stinky Pinky. O'Connor (Kapow!) opens each chapter with crayoned cartoons "drawn" by Eugene that, along with more polished spot art complete with sound effects like "Bonk!" "Pow!" and "MI-TEE!" (Captain Awesome's superhero rally call) bring Eugene's imagined feats of daring to life, as he investigates the disappearance of class pet Turbo the hamster. Action, comedy, and hyperbole should easily hook readers, especially those who share Eugene's love of comics. Simultaneously available: Captain Awesome vs. Nacho Cheese Man. Ages 5 7.
Customer Reviews
Loved it!
Just read this to my 5 & 7 yr old boys, they LOVED this book. We're reading the next one now.