Catalina 36 - Owner to Owner: OwneUpgrades, mechanical tps and maintenance advice by Catalina 36 owners, for Catalina 36 owners
Owner to Owner: OwneUpgrades, mechanical tps and maintenance advice by Catalina 36 owners, for Catalina 36 owners
- $28.99
- $28.99
Publisher Description
Created by Alex Lynch & Dennis Stovall, this is the Full Color Revision of "Catalina 36 - Owner to Owner", adding seven additional articles, 24 more pages, and a larger font size for easier readability. Owner-written articles of upgrades, mechanical tips and maintenance advice, all written by Catalina 36 owners, for Catalina 36 owners. Over 350 color photos, 28,000 words, a dozen charts/graphics -- a compilation of the best suggestions/idea/tips from 31 different owners. Whether you own a sailboat, once owned a sailboat, or dream of sailing the world someday, it's a book you'll read and re-read until the pages fray! But be warned, for wives who've seen the book, it can also become the "Honey do..." manual of ideas for boat owners. All royalites go to the Catalina 36 International Association.