Charmed by the Bartender
4.3 • 1.8K Ratings
Publisher Description
Who knew sleeping with the enemy could be this fun?
Was the one night stand a good idea?
Well, no. Probably not in retrospect.
In my defense I had just moved back into my grandparent’s house, I’d lost my dream job, and a guy on Tinder had stood me up. It was like life had suddenly stamped ‘LOSER’ on my forehead.
So when the guy behind the bar started giving me THE look…you know, the one that promised I’d be screaming his name into the wee hours of the morning? When that guy also has the perfect amount of scruff on his chiseled chin, biceps bulging out of his t-shirt, and a cocky grin you knew he’d earned in the sack…when he gives you that look, you don’t bother to figure out what your six degrees of separation are. You jump on that horse and ride it!
Pun fully and completely intended. And accurate by the way.
I fully admit to feeling sorry for myself and acting impulsively, but by the time I’d figured out WHO the bartender was, I was already falling for him.
Customer Reviews
Good story
Enjoyed the first few pages. Unfortunately, this review kept popping up and wouldn’t let me read any further without completing.
Swoon worthy
The story and back story of characters were amazing. Heartfelt and swoon worthy story!!
Charmed by the bartender
This is a cute, sultry romance. I could help but fall in love/root for/identify with/and/or despise certain characters. Glad I read it and I wish it were longer and I was still reading it!