Chaya's Angels Chaya's Angels

Chaya's Angels

A Spiritual Journey with Down Syndrome

    • 5.0 • 1 Rating
    • $9.99
    • $9.99

Publisher Description

When Chaya Ben Baruch gave birth to her sixth child, a son with Down syndrome, she led her family on a spiritual journey, moving from Alaska to Israel, and adopting more children with special needs, on the way. Whether she’s watching her son with Downs marry her adopted daughter with Downs, or fighting for the rights of all special needs children, life is never dull. Chaya even managed to find time to donate a kidney, leaving everyone to wonder, “What’s next?” There are few people who have Chaya’s combination of character traits: brilliance; bravery; altruism; honesty; and her ability to love, whether it's her own family or other people’s children. It is our aspiration for the reader to appreciate the uniqueness and joy that Chaya and her husband, Yisroel, have experienced as parents of children with Downs, and to open the hearts of people, across the globe. Ghandi wrote: “A nation’s greatness is measured by how it treats its weakest.” Join Chaya and her family on their enchanting odyssey. The world needs this heart-rending story, more than ever! 

Ariella Bracha Waldinger’s Review: “Every pregnant woman fears the possibility of birthing a child with special needs, but Chaya Ben Baruch, in her spiritually uplifting book, Chaya’s Angels teaches the reader the true beauty of raising these special souls. Chaya’s book allows the stereotypical belief of Downs babies to crumble: she removes all the negative labels attached to them; depicting their true beauty and inner light. Chaya takes the reader on an epic journey into the personal lives of she and her husband, as they dive into the unchartered waters of raising multiple Down  syndrome babies. Gifted with an overflowing love and a passion to meets the needs of these babies, Chaya and her husband love these children unconditionally. They band together, through love and devotion, to give these children exactly what they need to thrive. As a result of reading Chaya’s book, I learned key information and extensive details about the demands of parenting special needs children. I also learned the rich rewards bestowed upon the brave of heart, who dare to embrace this difficult task.  Anyone who has an interest in reading an amazing story of inspiration, or is curious about what it takes to raise babies and children with Down syndrome, will benefit from reading Chaya’s Angels. This book is a powerful contribution to children and adults with special needs, giving the reader a deeper understanding of the joys and rewards of life with these remarkable individuals.”

Shira Yehudit’s Review: “Chaya’s Angels is an honest, no-holds-barred account of the life of an incredible woman, who has devoted her life to rescuing and caring for special needs children – not in some cold, clinical, institution, but in her home, and in her heart. Chaya makes no bones about sharing the trials and tribulations, the hardships and heartache of caring for and bringing up these special children – and sometimes losing them. But most of all, “Chaya’s Angels” shows us, in a vivid, personal language that speaks from the heart, the joy of having a special needs child in our lives, as part of our family. Chaya lets us feel the pure love that these children radiate to those around them, and helps us to understand that these children really are just that - special. And if this book does nothing more than persuade just one family to think twice about giving away their newborn special needs baby - for that, it was worth writing. But “Chaya’s Angels” is a very powerful, moving book, and I believe it will do much, much more than that…”

Laurie Rappeport’s Review: “After reading this book, you’ll never struggle again with the question “should these children be born?” Differently-abled people have as much right to be here as anyone else and maybe more as the story shows us, they teach us way more than we teach them. Spirituality doesn’t have to mean going out on a mountaintop to sit in silence… it also means making the world a better place. That message come through loud and clear.”

Peter Davison’s Review: “If saints exist, then Chaya Ben Baruch is one of them. She’s an exceptional person in every way: I was exhausted just reading her story, how she lovingly raised five children with Downs, an enormous task for anyone to take on. I imagine that it’s hard enough raising one child with special needs, never mind five! This is also a very well written book, dividing so many topics into chapters, thus making it easier to focus, since there was so much happening in Chaya’s life. Although I don’t normally read books like this, I couldn’t put Chaya’s Angels down, reading it in one sitting.  Most men stay away from this type of book, but I wholeheartedly advise them to read Chaya’s Angels, because of the extraordinary life of this impressive woman.” 

Cafoxxyy’s Review: “Chaya’s Angels is an amazing book due to this amazing woman. I could not put the book down. This is a heartwarming story based on Chaya’s life.  It reflects all the joy, struggles, and pain she has unselfishly experienced in her journey, to raise five children experiencing Down syndrome.  The children themselves are wonderful and so bright: they shine like a new penny.I can’t imagine being able to do all the things Chaya has done in her lifetime.  It seems more like several lifetimes crammed into one person.  She definitely walks to the beat of a different drummer.  I feel in awe of all her accomplishments.  Chaya’s Angels is definitely a book that could be made into a wonderful movie. Don’t wait for the movie: Get the book!”

Leah Kahalani’s Review: “What a journey! An amazing woman with a heart that keeps flowing in generosity and love. She not only has such a strong stand for DS children, she is smashing glass ceilings for them in such amazing ways. A true trailblazer. She doesn't let the system define the parameters. She's reinventing the DS world! I don't think the professionals who work with DS children can keep up with Chaya's vision and heart!”


Sat D. Khalsa’s Review: “What a ray of hope! As a parent of a special needs child with Down's Syndrome, what a ray of hope. I encourage other parents who may have a similar child to order this book, or send it as a gift.”

Biographies & Memoirs
December 25
Blue Danube Publishing
Elaine Feuer

Customer Reviews

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Chaya’s Angels: A Spiritual Journey with Down Syndrome

Chaya’s Angels” is an honest, no-holds-barred account of the life of an incredible woman, who has devoted her life to rescuing and caring for special needs children – not in some cold, clinical, institution, but in her home, and in her heart. Chaya makes no bones about sharing the trials and tribulations, the hardships and heartache of caring for and bringing up these special children – and sometimes losing them. But most of all, “Chaya’s Angels” shows us, in a vivid, personal language that speaks from the heart, the joy of having a special needs child in our lives, as part of our family. Chaya lets us feel the pure love that these children radiate to those around them, and helps us to understand that these children really are just that - special. And if this book does nothing more than persuade just one family to think twice about giving away their newborn special needs baby - for that, it was worth writing. But “Chaya’s Angels” is a very powerful, moving book, and I believe it will do much, much more than that…. Shira Yihudit Djalimand

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