Church History Church History
Living in Christ

Church History

Apostolic Times to Today, Enhanced Interactive

    • $21.99
    • $21.99

Publisher Description

Church History: Apostolic Times to Today examines the events of the Church's life, the contributions to human life it has made, and studies the challenges the Church has faced overtime, from her earliest history.

Additional interactive features! Each section now includes embedded teacher videos. These videos provide a basic overview of the content and also a personal story that connects to the key understandings from the section.

Standard features: 
• Bold vocabulary words that, when tapped, show the glossary definition 
• Hyperlinks to primary sources cited or referenced in the text, including
  -Sacred Scripture 
  -Catechism of the Catholic Church 
  -Vatican Council II, papal, and bishops’ documents 
  -Lives of the saints
• Image galleries: Each image has a caption that explains the image’s origin and/or its connection to the main text. 
• Keynote presentations: Apple’s version of PowerPoint; functions largely the same way. Keynote presentations explain or further investigate a term or concept from the main text. 
• Interactive charts, timelines, and maps that can be zoomed in or tapped to show more information. 
• Videos: Videos explain a key concept in the main text or provide an example of how to live the message contained in the main text. Videos are linked from YouTube and require an internet connection to view. 
• Interactive quizzes: At the end of each part there is an 8-question multiple choice quiz that is self-scoring, offering the student immediate feedback. 
Church History: Apostolic Times to Today examines the events of the Church's life, the contributions to human life it has made, and studies the challenges the Church has faced overtime, from her earliest history.

Additional interactive features! Each section now includes embedded teacher videos. These videos provide a basic overview of the content and also a personal story that connects to the key understandings from the section.

Standard features: 
• Bold vocabulary words that, when tapped, show the glossary definition 
• Hyperlinks to primary sources cited or referenced in the text, including
  -Sacred Scripture 
  -Catechism of the Catholic Church 
  -Vatican Council II, papal, and bishops’ documents 
  -Lives of the saints
• Image galleries: Each image has a caption that explains the image’s origin and/or its connection to the main text. 
• Keynote presentations: Apple’s version of PowerPoint; functions largely the same way. Keynote presentations explain or further investigate a term or concept from the main text. 
• Interactive charts, timelines, and maps that can be zoomed in or tapped to show more information. 
• Videos: Videos explain a key concept in the main text or provide an example of how to live the message contained in the main text. Videos are linked from YouTube and require an internet connection to view. 
• Interactive quizzes: At the end of each part there is an 8-question multiple choice quiz that is self-scoring, offering the student immediate feedback.

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