Coffee Crash
5.0 • 3 Ratings
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Publisher Description
What if a new plant disease threatened the world's coffee crop? What if it wasn't an accident? Coffee Crash, the debut novel from author Steve Hoffenberg, is a biotech mystery thriller that redefines eco-terrorism. Microbiologist Samuel Decker travels to Brazil to investigate a new organism that rapidly destroys coffee trees, and he discovers puzzling clues surrounding the outbreak. Matthew Cochran, the CEO of a major U.S. coffee retailer, seeks to leverage industry turmoil and reap millions in profits through commodities market manipulation. Eddy Zeger, the Indonesian leader of a radical environmentalist group, plots to wreak economic havoc by disseminating the disease into coffee plantations worldwide. Trails of evidence lead in conflicting directions as Decker and others unravel the truth and struggle to save the world's coffee plantations from annihilation.
Customer Reviews
Page-turner that is funny and full of interesting detail
Coffee Crash is good fun! There is a enough interesting content and informative detail to make it meaty, but the story is so fast-paced and engaging, it is hard to put down. There are many characters and at first, I found it a bit difficult to keep them straight, but as the story goes along, you get to know them all and each has enough interesting characteristics that you remember them. All of the context, down to the small details, seems very well researched, making it more interesting than an ordinary page-turner. For example, a coffee company does a big marketing event, presenting new products. Anyone who has worked in corporate America can relate to this scene. The products introduced are completely plausible and believable and much of the accompanying marketing hype is hysterical. Much of the book is humorous with funny little details slipping in here and there. I thoroughly enjoyed it.
Coffee Crash worth the read
Coffee Crash, by Steve Hoffenberg, is a compelling read, with multiple plot threads that move and interact in a fluid and seamless manor. For a good part of the book, I couldn’t tell who’d-dun-it. The writing is concise and detail-rich, and is peppered with quotes, phrases in Portuguese (translated for us non-speakers) and word play. All of which makes it clear that Mr. Hoffenberg enjoys words - and his use of words made me smile on numerous occasions throughout the book. I’m hoping for a sequel.