Confessions of the Church: The Baptist Confession and The Belgic Confession Confessions of the Church: The Baptist Confession and The Belgic Confession

Confessions of the Church: The Baptist Confession and The Belgic Confession

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Publisher Description

Many modern Christians, if they give them any thought, view confessions of faith as antiquated and irrelevant to today’s society. They could not be more mistaken! Teaching on the Baptist Confession, Spurgeon explains: “Here the youngest members of our church will have a body of Truth in small compass, and by means of the scriptural proofs, will be able to give a reason for the hope that is in them.” Both young and old, seasoned and fledgling, will gain insight and strength through studying Confessions of the Church.


The confessions of faith found in this collection have benefitted the Church worldwide for centuries, enlightening believers in every circumstance, helping them better understand their God and defend their faith. How desperately Christians need this today! Confessions are exceptional teaching aids for pastors, parents, and lay-teachers. They are a treasure trove for anyone who wants to discover more of the truths of Scripture. Each work has something unique to offer, and all will edify and enlighten. The Confession of St. Patrick will leave you in awe of God’s work in and through this godly man. The primary confession of faith for the Lutheran church, the Augsburg Confession contains truths for every believer.


One of the oldest and most important doctrinal statements of the Reformed churches, the Belgic Confession was upheld in the face of fierce persecution that resulted in the death of thousands, including the confession’s author Guido de Bras. Its words of inspiring truth will ground and strengthen believers today. The fiery words and energetic tone of Martin Luther will engage you in the Smalcald Articles, and the comprehensive precision of the Westminster Confession of Faith will impart profound wisdom and knowledge to its readers.

These confessions can be used in small groups, Sunday school classes, as a sermon series, in one-on-one discipleship, or in personal study. Their versatility and spiritual depth will make this one of the most-used collections in your library.

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