Core Ideas in Life Science Core Ideas in Life Science

Core Ideas in Life Science

    • 3.9 • 41 Ratings
    • $14.99
    • $14.99

Publisher Description

The most comprehensive, interactive, and colorful middle school life science textbook is now available for your students! On target with the Next Generation Science Standards, this exciting textbook helps students learn in ways never before possible.

Thirty-one vocabulary rich chapters cover the entire middle school life science curriculum. Easy-to-understand text coupled with over 300 narrated movies, over 1500 instructive images, over 100 engaging animations, dozens of interactive graphics, and student assessments make learning fun and meaningful. You and your students will not be able to put this book down!

31 chapters include: science and engineering, early life, cells, cell processes, heredity, fundamentals of genetics, genetics in action, genetics in our lives, evolution, life through time, evidence of change, classifying life, viruses and prokaryotes, protists, plants in our lives, plant structure and function, photosynthesis and plant responses, plant reproduction, invertebrate animals, vertebrate animals, bones and muscles, digestion and excretion, circulation and respiration, nervous system and endocrine system, the biosphere, ecosystem dynamics, natural cycles, deserts and tundra, grasslands, forests, water.

    October 24
    Visual Learning Systems
    Visual Learning Systems
    Grades 5-9

    Customer Reviews

    Mr. Ngo ,

    MS Sci. Teacher

    The book has great graphics and content but be aware it does take up a bit of memory on the student’s iPad. (4.5GB) We’ve run into probelms with students trying to download the book. If your a teacher and want to have it on your iPad and laptop this book doesn’t allow you to do that.

    Mr. Murphy - Forestville ,

    The Perfect E-Text

    As the Director of Technology for a public K-12 School, I have worked with many types of e-texts the last couple years as we issued iPads to each student in grades 6-9 in a 1:1 program. This e-text is exactly what I wish all of the others were like. First, it downloads completey as an iBook so that the students do not have to be online at home or wherever for it to work. This is an issue for many of our students that do not have wi-fi at their home. Second, the pictures and videos are amazing. I myself am a visual learner and I can really appreciate the quality and quantity of videos, photos and interactive exercises that this book contains. And third, it just works. With some of the other e-texts we are using, they are part of an app that downloads and manages the texts. And like some apps, they occasionally crash or don’t work causing a lot of grief for the student. I have not experienced a single issue with it not working yet. This is an excellent value for the money, and not a headache for the IT department.

    Mr. P. Kordon Science Teacher ,

    Core Ideas in Life Science

    This is an excellent textbook for Middle School Life Science. Aligned with the NGSS, easy to read text, outstanding video clips, and excellent animations. Students overwhelmingly liked using this text over a conventional print text. Visual Learning Company also offers introductory video and print resources to compliment the text. I highly recommend Core Ideas in Life Science

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