Diabolical Disorientation
The Roots of the Crisis in the Church, Family, Nation, and Culture
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Publisher Description
You will learn about:
How Heaven foretold everything that is going on in America and the Church - And what we can expect in the near future.Key prophecies over the last several hundred years that have come to pass - and those happening now.The secret weapon few utilize to defeat evil in their lives.The key to the restoration of the family.Who is the Single Greatest Enemy of the Church in today's world working in stealth.How socialism/communism awaits the USA - Unless there is an immediate amendment of life.Where division in the Catholic Church will bring the world.The impact of Pope Francis...Saints and others who visited Heaven, Hell, & Purgatory and came back to talk about it.What is The Mother of All Battles?What are the essentials we need to embrace to maintain our peace of heart, mind, and soul, and spiritually prosper - words directly from Heaven.Dealing with political and religious division in relationships.The powerful prayer that will change your family.How Our Lady will Triumph.
And many more insights on how to thrive in the midst of turmoil.