Do Christians Have Two Natures?
Publisher Description
Many born again Christians believe they have two natures within them, a new Christ-like nature and an old sinful nature, which war against each other. They believe that their new nature loves God and wants to practice righteousness, but that their old nature loves sin and wants to practice lawlessness. They think that their Christian life reflects whichever of these two conflicting natures they yield themselves to the most. However, this "tale of two natures" is not Biblically true. Many Christians have become overcome by sin and hopelessly discouraged because they have swallowed this lie, while countless others have become deceived by this lie and their self-righteousness into thinking that, through willpower and self-discipline, they can change and control their sinful behavior. This eBook is intended to put an end to this lie, so that God's people could know (and believe and act on) the truth and power of the cross of Christ, and come into their full inheritance as sons and daughters of God.