Don’t Call Me Black, Call Me Bulan Don’t Call Me Black, Call Me Bulan

Don’t Call Me Black, Call Me Bulan

Publisher Description

One such term that has long been associated with negative stereotypes is "black." While it is true that the color black is often associated with negative concepts such as darkness, evil, and death, it is not fair or accurate to apply these associations to people based on their skin color. Furthermore, the use of the term "black" as a racial descriptor has a long and complicated history, with ties to colonialism, slavery, and discrimination.

That's why I propose the term "bulan" as a replacement for "black" when referring to people of African descent. "Bulan" is an African word that translates to "moon" in English. The moon has long been a symbol of light in the darkness, hope, and beauty. It shines bright in the night sky, illuminating the world around us. It is a symbol of resilience, strength, and beauty in the face of adversity.

By using the term "bulan" instead of "black," we can create a more positive and empowering association with skin color. We can celebrate the beauty and diversity of people of African descent, and move away from the harmful stereotypes and negative connotations that have plagued our language for far too long.

The usage of the term Bulan isn't just important for those within the diaspora. It also has significant implications for those outside of it, particularly white individuals. In many ways, the term "black" has become synonymous with negativity, crime, and poverty, perpetuating harmful stereotypes and reinforcing existing power structures. It is even an uncomfortable term used by the prescribers and their descendants. By contrast, the term "bulan" carries with it a sense of beauty, richness, and complexity that encourages individuals to see the humanity in those they are describing. Can you imagine a statement like this: That’s a beautiful bulan woman, and or, My bulan friend Donte is very intelligent. Instead of the insertion of the negative energy of the word black it historically carries.

By using the term Bulan, individuals of all backgrounds can engage in a more respectful and authentic way of discussing people of African descent. It demonstrates a willingness to learn and engage with different cultures and experiences, while also showing a sense of empathy and understanding. By embracing the power and potential of Bulan, we can move towards a more authentic, empathetic, and respectful way of engaging with one another, and create a world in which everyone is seen, heard, and valued.

By using the term Bulan, individuals of all backgrounds can engage in a more respectful and authentic way of discussing people of African descent. It demonstrates a willingness to learn and engage with different cultures and experiences, while also showing a sense of empathy and understanding. By embracing the power and potential of Bulan, we can move towards a more authentic, empathetic, and respectful way of engaging with one another, and create a world in which everyone is seen, heard, and valued.

Ultimately, the goal of this book is to inspire and empower individuals and communities to embrace the term Bulan and the powerful movement it represents. By reclaiming our identity, authentic, empathetic, and the respectful way of engaging with one another. This, creating a world in which everyone is seen, heard, and valued.

In the book "Black Skin, White Masks" published in 1952, Frantz Fanon, a Martinican philosopher and psychiatrist, referenced that blacks needed a new term to refer to as a form of consciousness that he believed black people needed to develop to overcome the psychological effects of racism and colonialism. So, “Don’t Call Me Black, Call me Bulan”.

April 24
The Lé Flore Group
Reuel-Azriel C. Hudson-Leflore
Grades 17-17

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