Effective School Librarianship Effective School Librarianship

Effective School Librarianship

Successful Professional Practices from Librarians around the World: (2-volume set)

Patrick Lo and Others
    • $174.99
    • $174.99

Publisher Description

These volumes provide a series of informative interviews with school/teacher librarians practicing in different parts of the world. The 2-volume set showcases the resilience, creativity, and best practices from successful school librarians from Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia, and North and South America. The librarians interviewed come from all different schools and schools systems, from a tiny recently built school library in a rural village in Africa to an ultra-modern library in Sweden.

Featuring 37 interviews with successful school librarians from across the globe, the volumes let us hear the stories from countries around the world. They tell about their creative and innovative school library projects, their unconventional reading programs, and their best practices and experiences in addressing the challenges of supporting basic literacy. A wide selection of methodologies and approaches are discussed, offering a global “voyage” through topics important in school librarianship. The 2-volume set also addresses recent advancements in information and communication technologies (ICTs) and the shift toward inquiry-based learning that impacts school libraries worldwide.

The books are packed with information that can be used by school librarians, teachers, school administrators and others in a variety of ways. Readers can borrow best practices from the experiences presented in the book, and the volumes can also serve as a strong voice for practicing school librarians and the profession, through expanding the opportunities for professional sharing in the international school library community.

Professional & Technical
April 27
Apple Academic Press
Taylor & Francis Group
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