Elementary Particles, QAM, and the New Standard Model Elementary Particles, QAM, and the New Standard Model

Elementary Particles, QAM, and the New Standard Model

Publisher Description

This ebook is a collection of technical papers involving elementary particles. Substantially, all of the ideas were developed over a six month period in 2014. Some of the papers are obsolete, but they continue to demonstrate how the ideas developed during this time. Our physical universe literally blinks, off and on, more than 1 trillion times each second. It is called the Lighthouse Frequency, and it is calculated to be 1,101,361,642,963.57 Hz, or expressed as 1.1 THz

To calculate the blinking frequency: Think about the fundamental unit of the universe as a classical entity. The energy of such a classical entity, using the equipartition theorem, translates the number of degrees of freedom into "units" of k_B*T (where T is the temperature and k_B is the well-known Boltzmann constant). In this way, we find that the fundamental energy is 3*k_B*T (6 d.o.f.).

We use a foundational temperature, consistent with the anthropic principle, of the freezing point (and melting point) of the essential object for existence-- water. Using this temperature, we obtain a fundamental energy of ~70.6 meV.

Calculation is as follows: 70.6 meV / (\hbar \pi^4) = 1.1 THz.

Note that the \pi^4 in general is \pi^D, where D is the number of spacetime dimensions in
existence. Each reader must comprehend that our universe is literally blinking off and on, at 1.1 trillion times every second (THz).

By understanding the relationship between elementary particles and the blinking universe, we can deduce many important details about the nature of our reality, and how to better manipulate within it. This understanding extends beyond the practical confines of the universe that we know. I encourage readers to add to this body of work, by further exploring these ideas and developing new applications. If you believe I have significantly erred, then by all means, publish your corrections or additions.  

All elementary particle masses are related by simple math. This math is similar to the math used for wifi signals and it is called 1024-QAM. The 1024-QAM table graphically displays how all elementary particles are related, similar to the Standard Periodic Table in chemistry. If we line up all of the particle masses in order, we find there are a number of "gaps." These are called the mass gaps, and they line up perfectly with 1024-QAM, which fits the sequence.  Supersymmetry (SUSY) is also found to occur with 1024-QAM. Mass Groups 1 thru 8 have heavyweight counterparts which are found in Mass Groups 9 thru 16;   The only reasonable explanation, for following a QAM pattern, is due to a blinking or discrete universe. These ebooks provide compelling evidence that our universe is literally blinking, off and on.  

There are errors and inconsistencies in this collection, for which I am certain, the science community will make accommodations... :) The limitations on my time and impositions of targeting, make it remarkable that this ebook even exists. Should there be a contradiction, the latest revision is generally reflected by the publication date.

According to Seth, each elementary particle is composed of millions of individualized, Electromagnetic Energy (EE) units. Because they move between realities and universes quite readily, it will be challenging to ever isolate a single EE unit. Within the Electrical Universe, EE units would be called Consciousness Units (CU's). We can deduce then, that each elementary particle is also individualized and self-aware, possessing consciousness.

Truly extraordinary.

For my students - "Great work is prefaced by good reading."
Happy reading. :)


Science & Nature
July 9
Richard Lighthouse
Draft2Digital, LLC

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