Empress Josephine
Publisher Description
Even while Napoleon won battles, while with lofty pride he placed his foot on the neck of the conquered, took away from princes their crowns, and from nations their liberty—while Europe trembling bowed before him, and despite her admiration cursed him—while hatred heaved up the hearts of all nations against him—even then none could refuse admiration to the tender, lovely woman who, with the gracious smile of goodness, walked at his side; none could refuse love to the wife of the conqueror, whose countenance of brass received light and lustre from the beautiful eyes of Josephine, as Memnon's statue from the rays of the sun.
Customer Reviews
The Kellers
Empress Josephine
A great read! Beautifully written and very entertaining!
The Queen's Lover
The Royal Succession
The memoirs of the Countess of Berci. Taken from the French by the author of the Female Quixote. In two volumes.: [pt.1]
The Accursed Kings Series Books 1-3
Stendhal: The Complete Novels and Novellas [newly updated] (Book House Publishing)
Celebrated Crimes