Enhancing Phonological Awareness in EFL Reading Acquisition: A Case Study/ Elever Le Niveau de la Conscience Phonologique Au Cours de la Lecture D'anglais Comme Langue Etrangere: Etude D'un Cas.
Canadian Social Science 2006, June, 2, 2
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Publisher Description
1.INTRODUCTION "Phonological Awareness (PA) involves the ability to notice, think about, or manipulate the individual sounds in words" (Torgeson and Mathes 1998: 2). Research of more than two decades has affirmed the importance of Phonological Awareness in relation to reading acquisition. "The presence of phonological awareness is a hallmark characteristic of good readers while its absence is a consistent characteristic of poor readers. The gains in phonological awareness directly affect the ease of reading acquisition and subsequent reading achievement' (Smith, Simmons & Kameenuj, 1995). It has been hypothesized and strongly supported that "a reciprocal relation exists between phonological awareness and reading acquisition: PA facilitates and influenced by reading acquisition. And this relation means that phonological awareness is important prior to and during learning to read" (Smith, Simmons & Kameenui, 1995).