Essentials of Global Health and Human Rights for Physicians
Publisher Description
This book is intended to describe global health problems that transcend national boundaries. It is relevant to physicians and medical students who engage with foreign-born patients, who travel abroad for medical work, or who find themselves in an emergency humanitarian disaster situation.
Healthcare Strategies and Planning for Social Inclusion and Development
Illegal in One's Own Bare Body--on Undocumented Migrants'state of Health and Need of Health Care. A Systematic Literature Review/ Illegale Ved Sin Blotte Eksistens: Om Papirlose Migranters Helsestatus Og Behov for Helsetjenester. En Systematisk Litteraturstudie (Report)
La Faim et la Sant?
Global Public Health Policies
Safe Motherhood in a Globalized World
UN Millennium Development Library: Combating AIDS in the Developing World