Everyone, Everywhere Everyone, Everywhere

Everyone, Everywhere

Glimpses of God's Global Work Through People Like You

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Publisher Description

This book will help you activate your God-given gifts in the greatest adventure this side of eternity.

Dr. Bruce Wilkinson

New York Times best-selling author and speaker

God is at work around the globe. You’ll find stories in these pages from every walk of life, and every corner, that bears this out. Amazing stories of the miraculous, and stories of the unassuming yet life-altering hand of God through His people.

In some respects, it is not a surprise that God is at work. What is a surprise is that God is at work through us, when He could choose to work alone. He invites you, and everyone, to partner with him, not just to do the work but to experience the success and joy that comes with taking a leap of faith.

As you read through this book, you will be both challenged and inspired by these stories. The hope is that you will see the world around you differently because God is at work in you. That is the exciting promise He offers – that you can participate in the most life-changing adventure you could ever experience, the story of His incredible love for Everyone, Everywhere.

About the Author

Erick Schenkel has served as Executive Director of the Jesus Film Project since 2012, bringing to this role a varied history of Christian service. After his graduation from Harvard College, Erick led a church-planting team that established a church and an elementary school in Arlington, Massachusetts. While leading this church, Erick earned two masters’ degrees and a PhD from Harvard in the Study of Religion; his dissertation was published by Harvard University Press as The Rich Man and the Kingdom: John D. Rockefeller, Jr., and the Protestant Establishment. While in graduate school, Erick and his wife, Elizabeth, developed a desire to live and work in the Muslim world. The Schenkels moved to Muslim Central Asia in 1996, where Erick worked in the fields of education and economic development for eleven years. While in Central Asia, they also worked as church-planters alongside JESUS film teams, starting a Bible school and directing a movement of nationally led churches. Erick then served for five years as Strategy Director for North Africa, Middle East, and Central Asia for Campus Crusade for Christ. Erick became the third Executive Director of the Jesus Film Project in March 2012, succeeding Jim Green and founder Paul Eshleman.

Religion & Spirituality
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Aneko Press
Life Sentence Publishing, Inc.
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