Exceptional Exceptional


Why the World Needs a Powerful America

    • 3.2 • 38 Ratings
    • $13.99
    • $13.99

Publisher Description

A new book by former Vice President and #1 New York Times bestselling author Dick Cheney and Liz Cheney.

Politics & Current Events
September 1
Threshold Editions
Simon & Schuster Digital Sales LLC

Customer Reviews

ztroublecolo ,

Well worth reading.

An unapologetic, honest and straightforward review of the ideals, people and events that produced the "one indispensable nation".

Today's movements to degrade the world position and leadership of the U.S. are viewed from both historic and present perspectives. Put together hope for the future can be seen.

4 stars only to account for the writer's political bias.

troyjjensen ,

A Review From The Last of the True Realists...

The ideological reviews I both sides here are truly almost scary - frantic, full of dire assertions, and quite frankly non compos mentis in their judgements. So I'm here to keep it simple and extremely real. Cheney has been of all the major players since 2001 the most prescient on how events would unfold. In the end, I simply do not possess the hypocrisy to drive home in a $50,000 BMW, sit down in a $650,000 McMansion in some ubiquitous upper-class gated suburban community, and have the audacity to rail against the basic precepts of American Exceptionalism that The Cheney's layout in this book. Listen clearly - the only reason you're carrying that iPad or iPhone, and driving your luxury cars, and enjoying what is still the world's wealthiest standard of living ACROSS ALL SOCIOECONOMIC CLASSES is because of American Leadership in a unipolar superpower geopolitical environment. Bottom line: that leadership comes from the United States military projection of power. I am the founder & CEO of a large investment management firm on Wall Street. Between Wall Street and the U.S. Military, we have our hands on the scales in your favors (from SO MANY perspectives the reality might indeed be too much for some). I love the Obama foreign policy: Strategically Non-Strategic." People love to talk about a fair and just world; and the evil American Imperialists. Guess what? We take our hands off that scale, then the whole world gets REALLY FAIR REALLY FAST and then they'd be singing a different tune. If you want to understand truly how the world really works, and why American Exceptionalism is so critical for the entire world's future...READ THIS BOOK. If you'd rather stick with the ideological line, don't buy this book and don't post a review. Ideology is conceptual by nature and has no relevance in a review of a book firmly rooted in Reality (a factual methodology - not a conceptual ideology).

Bob 67 ,


Wonderful book. Recommended reading by all Presidential candidates. The last chapters were very scary. I pray God will rise up a strong, honest man or woman to lead our nation back to greatness. Every Christian should fall to their knees , asking God's blessings on our nation and keeping us safe.Thank you God for placing your protective shield around us to keep us safe. Dick and Liz for writing this very important reading. I plan to buy this book for my daughter and son-in law to read. Love in Christ. Helen Schultz

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