Explore the Bible: CSB Commentary - Spring 2024
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Publisher Description
Spring 2024 Study: Genesis 20–50
For many, family makes all the difference. Our families shape us and test us. In big and small ways, we are who we are because of them. In Genesis 20–50, readers get a deep dive into one particular family: the descendants of Abraham. Through these patriarchs, God built the nation of Israel and established a line to the Savior. What’s more, their examples of faith continue to resonate with Christ followers today. And these studies bring their stories to life. (13 sessions)
Explore the Bible: Commentary - eBook covers the biblical context and historical background of study passages in great depth, exploring the meaning of words, phrases, and concepts in the biblical languages. It can be used by leaders and group participants alike. The content is identical to the print version and encompasses every session of the quarter’s study.
Purchase one for each participant and leader.
Explore the Bible: Adults is designed to illuminate the historical, cultural, and biblical context of Scripture. Book by book, we help adults understand and apply God’s Word in a manner that is practical, sustainable, and thorough.