Exploring Creation with General Science
4.1 • 7 Ratings
- $39.99
- $39.99
Publisher Description
Exploring Creation with General Science, 3rd Edition, is specifically designed to walk with your middle school student transitioning from homeschool elementary courses as he or she rises up to meet his or her greater abilities and developing maturity. This course is taken after sixth grade. This is the hard-cover textbook only.
This course covers a wide range of the branches of science while making the connections between each. Students will learn what science is and, in a detailed and engaging way, how to utilize the proper scientific method. This course has many hands-on science experiments that can be completed with household materials.
In order to complete this course, you will need the Solutions and Test Manual as well as the Student Notebook.
Customer Reviews
Usage issues
The 3 star rating is not a reflection of the content, which is solid middle school science from a Christian perspective. Instead, it is a reflection of issues relating to using the book in this format. For starters, one is unable to highlight and make a note relating to the material read. This would seem to be a big oversight for a textbook. Additionally, one is unable to increase the font size to aid in easier reading. While thumbnails have been included to help with navigation, the pages are counted like a pdf and so the thumbnails do not work correctly. For example, if an assignment is to read pp. 210-211 the thumbnail will instead take one to pp. 186-187. The same issue applies to using the search function.