Focusing on Your Dreams Focusing on Your Dreams

Focusing on Your Dreams

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Publisher Description

Focus begins with a good attitude. You have the ability to transform your

life and soar like an eagle to new heights of success and fulfi llment.

Whether your attitude is positive or negative or somewhere in between,

the tools that are given to you in this book will allow you to move forward,

no matter where you are in life or what position you are in presently. Always

remember, there is light at the end of tunnel.

This book will show you how to take control of your life, and unleash

your incredible potential.

It’s fi lled with inspiring stories and easy-to-understand success principles.

Steven H. Lewis presents this book with sincerity, clarity, and impact in a way

that will inspire you to develop your skills to their full potential and bring

out the greatness that’s within you. You’ll begin to see new possibilities. You’ll

take action to develop your unique talents, and you will achieve extraordinary

results. Eighty-fi ve percent of anything that you do begins with a good

attitude; it doesn’t matter what it is.

Initially, this book was going to be centered on what it takes to become

a professional athlete. After discussing this topic with my literary agent in

a fi ve-hour phone conversation, playing battle of the wits, he won and gave

me a new and better idea for writing this book.

First of all, I want to thank Mark Pavlovich for giving me the vision to

be able to reach everyone in the world. It doesn’t matter what your goals are,

this book pertains to everyone. I feel sure that you will fi nd what is written

here extremely powerful and intriguing.

This book will give you an insight into and the motivation for selfdevelopment

through personal improvement. Through the guidelines that are

presented here, you will obtain your personal goals. This book will give the

information essential to reach your ultimate goals. This book is not pertaining

to becoming a professional athlete; the tools that you are given throughout


the contents of this book will apply in anything you do in life. This book is

about self-improvement and it will give you simple, clear guidelines on how

to obtain your goals. This book includes three different personalities and three

directions in life; the fi nal outcome will be the same. With determination,

dedication, desire, and passion we got to where we are now. We lived through

traumas and devastations. I have integrated into this book the importance

of knowing where you have been in your life. Life appeals to everyone, and

it matters how you handle it—how you start and how you fi nish. It doesn’t

matter what your goals in life are. You have a starting point and a fi nish line.

In order to complete each task, it is imperative to stay focused on your goal.

Please don’t misinterpret this book as just being about professional athletes;

we only are sharing our own personal experiences. I hated my past; however,

I couldn’t allow my past to affect my future. It enhances what I am doing

today because I am now able to refl ect on the many setbacks that I’d had to

go through in my life.

My past only gave me the opportunity to move on to the next level.

Progress is not based on how people view you. Rather, it is based on how

you see yourself as an example. When you are in the last place and your

expectations are not very high, you can’t lose focus. But when you fi nish

the season and you go to the fi nals and you do your best and have high

expectations but lose anyway, then at least you know in your heart you did

your best. This is what you call fulfi lling success. So again it doesn’t matter

where you end up, what counts is that you gave it your all. Sometimes you

have to give up things in order to pursue where you want be. You have to be

creative when setting goals for yourself and see beyond your fi nger next to

your nose; however, your fi nger is your vision, your creativity goes beyond

what is in front of you. By being creative, y

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