Folklore Dedication
Singing and Learning With Ivanka Ivanova
- $21.99
- $21.99
Publisher Description
The “Folklore Dedication” is a brief seminar on folklore singing. You will become acquainted with a technique of breathing and singing of Bulgarian folklore songs. The characteristics of all folklore regions, traditional dresses and instruments, measures and rhythms, padded with reach pictorial material. There are 21 folklore songs here, 11 of which are Ivanka Ivanova’s, all include the lyrics, each of them is notated, some are in two voices with attached links where you can hear the original sound of each song. Lyrics are in Bulgarian original written in Latin letters, and translated into English.
Страшният хайдушки войвода Страхил
Билки, биля ми, живоразделни ./Bilki, bilja mi shivorasdelni /
"Перли от българския фолклор" /Perli ot bylgarskiq folklor
Песните на Иванка Иванова - втора част /Pesnite na Ivanka Ivanova - wtora `chast
Перли от българския фолклор /Perli ot balgarskija folklor
"Перли от българския фолклор" "Perli ot balgarskiya folklor"