Force and Accommodation in World Politics: Bargaining with Threats and Incentives, Carrots and Sticks, Case Studies of Quemoy Crisis, Berlin, Cuban Missile Crisis, Vietnam War, Kennan and Containment Force and Accommodation in World Politics: Bargaining with Threats and Incentives, Carrots and Sticks, Case Studies of Quemoy Crisis, Berlin, Cuban Missile Crisis, Vietnam War, Kennan and Containment

Force and Accommodation in World Politics: Bargaining with Threats and Incentives, Carrots and Sticks, Case Studies of Quemoy Crisis, Berlin, Cuban Missile Crisis, Vietnam War, Kennan and Containment

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Publisher Description

This excellent report has been professionally converted for accurate flowing-text e-book format reproduction. The major purpose of this book is to point out that for a variety of reasons, conciliatory approaches—accommodative measures— have too often been avoided by the United States and, if used, have too often been undervalued in comparison to military force. To point this up, we have developed a very rough model or conceptual approach to integrating force and diplomacy—in short, a diplomacy emphasizing cooperation and accommodation—in our relations with other nations. Although we make no claim that this approach is a perfect one, we believe that there can be no real safety for any nations until policymakers handle their international relations within this or a similar framework.

A host of factors— political, economic, social, and environmental—have combined in this nuclear age to make many of the past practices of the superpowers irrelevant, counterproductive, or both. As a result, both the superpowers, as well as many other nations, are currently fumbling about, seeking some new system under which their foreign relations can be more profitably conducted.

Dr. Spangler develops a model or conceptual approach to foreign policy that he calls "positive diplomacy," which is to him a preferable method of integrating force and diplomacy in this very complicated and increasingly dangerous world. Although he makes no claim that this approach is scientific or exact, it is his considered judgment that the world would be a far safer and more pleasant place if policymakers handled their international relations with this or a similar policy-making-framework in mind.

Part 1 - Factors Inhibiting Accommodative Diplomacy since World War II * Chapter 1 - Bargaining with Threats and Incentives: The Nature of Positive Diplomacy * Chapter 2 - Kennan, Containment, and Carrots * Chapter 3 - Historical Analogies, the Containment Paradigm, and the Role of Inducements * Chapter 4 - Other Impediments to Conciliation: Rhetoric, Politics, and Personality * Chapter 5 - Global Change and Superpower Cooperation * Part 2 - Case Studies * Chapter 6 - Quemoy Crisis of 1958 * Chapter 7 - Berlin Crisis of 1958-59 * Chapter 8 - Berlin Crisis of 1961 * Chapter 9 - Cuban Missile Crisis and the Vietnam War * Part 3 - Summary * Chapter 10 - Sticks, Carrots, and Positive Diplomacy: A Review * Chapter 11 - Some Final Thoughts on Force and Accommodation

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