Freedom, My Son Freedom, My Son

Freedom, My Son

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Publisher Description

Freedom, My Son took place in New Orleans, Louisiana. A place people referred to as the city that never sleeps. The birthplace of Jazz and the New Orleans Saints. New Orleans can be an exciting place to live, but for this mother, it was a struggle just to get by day after day.
Jolene had endured domestic violence for ten years. She had hoped that by getting out while she could and while her children were young enough, it would make a difference in their lives and save them from experiencing the horrible ordeal. She was wrong, because
Freedom, My Son will show you how children could be exposed to violence at such a young age and how it would carry into their adulthood.
For every mother, Freedom, My Son is a reflection of all of our lives. This remarkable book will show the grief, losses, and coping with the reality that we sometimes deal in life with unbearable pain.
The cycle began with her mother that lived a violent life with her father. Jolene thought that this was a normal way for husbands and wives to live. She thought that if she could get her children out of that relationship early, it would make a difference, but her son was watching and learning with each fight and fuss.
He was taking mental notes and seeing how much control his father had over his mother and the fear she carried. In his mind, he believed that violence was a good thing, and he would always have control.
Freedom, My Son tells the story of the authors own experiences of domestic violence and how it affected the male child of her family. Not only domestic violence is addressed, murder suicide is an issue as well.
As you read this story, the author hopes that if any woman has a child that is involved in an abusive marriage or relationship, she can see how it has an effect on the children.
Readers, listen to the warning signs of your children like violent behavior, giving up on life, their actions in school, or aggressiveness toward their mother. Then you need to get out or get help.
I hope this book, Freedom, My Son, will be in every bookstore in the United States and abroad.

April 28
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