Friar Bacon: His Discovery Of The Miracles Of Art, Nature, And Magick
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Friar Bacon: His Discovery Of The Miracles Of Art, Nature, And Magick
by Roger Bacon
Roger Bacon can be placed on the boundary between magic and science. This essay starts with a strong dissenting opinion on the existence of magic; but finishes by discussing how to create a 'Philosophers Egg'. In between, Bacon writes about the use of optics, gunpowder, and petroleum in warfare. In fact, Bacon is believed to have introduced gunpowder (a Chinese invention) to the West, and the rest, as they say, was history. He also makes some bold futurist statements, predicting powered ships, automobiles, flying machines, and scuba gear. As Arthur C. Clarke said, 'Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.' WHat men ought to believe touching Figures, Charmes, and such stuff, I shall deliver my opinion. Without doubt there is nothing in these dayes of this kind, but what is either deceitfull, dubious, or irrational, which Philosophers formerly invented to hide their secret operations of Nature and Art from the eyes of an unworthy generation. For instance, if the virtue of the Load-stone, whereby whereby it draws iron to it were not discovered, some one or other who hath a mind hereby to cosen the people, so goes about his businesse, as lest any by-stander should discover the work of attraction to be natural, he calls Figures, and mutters forth some Charmes.