From Silt to Salt
A Multicultural Teaching Guide to Southcentral Alaska
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Multicultural Alaska Series winner of Best Textbook Award-2016. University of Alaska Southeast Masters in Teaching students Sophia Butler, Jerry Demmert, Shaun Nesheim, Meghan O’Leary, Reuben Seidl, and Mason Shearer, have written this book for those interested in Alaska, particularly educators. This book is one of six, developed by the UAS MAT students. It includes lesson plans focusing on place-based and multicultural education as well as a detailed introduction to Southcentral Alaska, the most populated and varied region in the state.
This book was developed using a project-based learning approach under the direction of nationally-recognized educator - Peter Pappas. It's a great resource for use in the classroom, and it serves as a model for teacher or student curation of historic content into interactive digital books. More at UASMAT.org