Ghost - Honor Thy Parents Ghost - Honor Thy Parents

Ghost - Honor Thy Parents

    • 4.7 • 3 Ratings

Publisher Description

One is supposed to honor thy parents. At least that's what the Bible says. In the prequel to Ghost - The Rick Watkinson Story, "Honor Thy Parents", tells of the fateful night that 16 year old Rick Watkinson picked up a semi-automatic rifle and fatally shot his father and his step-mother. Why did he do it? What was his state of mind that led to his actions? This prequel sets the stage for answers to those questions and more.  Find all of these answers and more in the full novel - Ghost - The Rick Watkinson Story.

"Before I even read Chapter1 of "Ghost" I wondered why Rick Watkinson, who sits in a jail cellfor the rest of his life,wanted his story to be told.  Why would someone who did such a horrific act want the public to know his story and bring attention to it?  What would bring a 16 year old Rick, at the time of the murders, to the point where he took the shots that killed two people.Being in the medical field, I believed there had to be a story behind the story.  Trish Faber will capture your attention in Chapter 1 of  Ghost.  It is compelling and written so well.  It is real and harsh,yet heart breaking at the same time. Trish invites you to 'feel' or 'not feel' what was running through Rick's head, at time of the tragedy.  The writing and intensity will intrigue you. I wanted to know who Ghost was." ( J.Abbot)

"What I wanted to tell you is that I absolutely loved what I read. I'm notkidding. You had me interested right from the first paragraph. What I foundawesome is how realistically you captured the mindset of Rick. He is notcompletely one way or the other. Yes... he committed horrible acts but he isnot without remorse. He is also shocked by what he did and fluctuates betweenthat and feeling justified. I look forward to reading more to get a betterunderstanding of the circumstances that worked so against Rick and his family.Well done!" (S. Reynold's)

"What a powerful opening chapter to the life of Rick Watkinson.   Trish has allowed her readers to walk with Rick through the incomprehensible act of murder, immersing them into his emotional pain leading up to the act and the subsequent realization of what his action meant for himself and those few souls that he loved.   I'm looking forward tothe rest of the book as Trish reveals the many layers of trauma and betrayal that would lead a child to this destiny." (C. Grieve)

"It completely draws you in, I want the rest!!! I'm not a huge reader however your writing could make me one! Congrats!Awesome!!!  (W. Kampers)
"I totally loved this book! It was engaging, I could mentally picture everything that was going on, and could honestly feel the gut wrenching pain Rick must have been feeling. Your introduction was great driving home the theory of do not judge until you know the whole story" (D. Leach)
"This book is absolutely fantastic. An unbelievable but sadly true story of betrayal, child abuse and parricide.  Fascinating."(N. Boudreau)

January 10
Wonder Voice Press
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