Green Shadows
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Publisher Description
Welcome, traveller, to Port Mercurian! Southern frontier and cultural hub of the glorious Mendran Empire. Whether you’re searching for tranquillity upon a secluded beach overlooking the pirate-infested Southing Sea, or sampling a vintage along the leafy boulevards of Greendowns, Eletrossa’s capital caters to your every epicurean desire.
Perhaps you would rather avoid the crowds and tour Mercurian’s underbelly? Then follow beat officers like Sora Devi as she patrols the delightfully secluded Gallows, where industrious locals make dice from hanged men’s teeth. Or if it’s something of a more nefarious nature you’re after, Mercurian’s docks abound with contraband of any value. Dominir Sharpish, local street hustler and petty narcotics dealer, will gladly guide you upon your next sensory journey, for the right price, of course.
But if you’ve come for the pursuit of terrible danger and probable death, then don’t hesitate to join the hundreds of missing adventurers before you and plunge face first into the blood-spattered shadows of Eletrossa’s vast jungle. Thrills await beneath those dreaded trees where, they say, you can’t go three paces without tripping over a ruin. Search high for lost treasures and dig deep for hidden secrets, but be sure to avoid the arrows and poisoned darts of the deadly Uttshallan hunters. If you happen to see one then you’re already dead.
And always remember, dear friend, that the jungle is a savage beast, and she will test you. Every now and then you may catch a flash of something magnificent and secret and you will think you have tamed her. But you have not. You see only that which she allows you to see. Be humble before her, or you will be eaten.