Hard Times
3.9 • 254 Ratings
Publisher Description
A bitter and scathing satire on the belief in "Facts, nothing but Facts" in education, the results developed in a tale of deep and pathetic interest.
Customer Reviews
Rereading because…
Although I tried many times to read the well known Dickens novels, it was this one, Hard Times, that was the first that ‘hooked’ me - at the time. I read it many many moons ago, and look forward to rereading it. After reading this book, I could begin to discover Dickens. It was a fun discovery. Plus, he got paid by the word. Reading Dickens will grow anyone’s vocabulary, give food for thought and exercise your brain. Enjoy.
great read!
Dickens' descriptions of life in Victorian England seem apropos today. His characters memorable long after the story ends. Hard Times pokes fun and denounces simultaneously the utilitarian view of society.
Hard Times is Dickens shortest novel. Worth a read.
It’s very boring, and I wouldn’t recommend it.