Harper's New Monthly Magazine, February, 1852
Publisher Description
Benjamin Franklin entered upon his career as a public man when very near the middle of the active portion of his life. His history, therefore, naturally divides itself into two equal portions, each entirely distinct from the other. Until the age of about thirty-five he was simply a Philadelphia mechanic, discharging his duties, however, in that capacity so gracefully and with such brilliant success, as to invest industry, and frugality, and all the other plain and unpretending virtues of humble life with a sort of poetic charm which has been the means of commending them in the most effectual manner, to millions of his countrymen.
The Bible, Old and New Testaments, King James Version
The Golden Mean or Ratio[(1+sqrt(5))/2]
La dernière lettre écrite par des soldats français tombés au champ d'honneur 1914-1918
The first New Testament printed in English
Civic League Cook Book
Practical Angora Goat Raising