Heading Home With Your Newborn
From Birth to Reality
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Publisher Description
Now in a fully-updated second edition, Heading Home with Your Newborn has everything new and expectant parents need to know about caring for baby in the first few months after birth. Written by two pediatricians who are also parents, this awarding-winning guide covers feeding, sleeping, changing, bathing, dressing, traveling, sickness, child care options, and much more.
The second edition features new chapters on vaccines and choosing a child care provider, plus a robust new section devoted to early learning, with chapters on baby brain basics, baby sign language, fun and games, books and babies, the sounds of music, and the effects of media on the very young. Also included is new or updated information on car seats, safe sleep, cord blood, what to keep in your medicine cabinet, postpartum depression, vitamin D, organic formulas, disposable vs. cloth diapers, newborn hearing screening, and more.
With wit and humor, Drs. Shu and Jana allay the feelings of anxiety, guilt, and inadequacy that inevitably plague first-time parents home alone with a newborn, providing authoritative yet compassionate advice for the sleep-deprived and overwhelmed!
Here are a few special excerpts from Heading Home With Your Newborn as featured on HealthyChildren.org:
Sleeping by the Book
The Many Colors of Poop
To Bathe, or Not to Bathe