Heart Failure: Current Clinical Understanding Heart Failure: Current Clinical Understanding

Heart Failure: Current Clinical Understanding

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    • $23.99

Publisher Description

Heart failure affects many people. Its prevalence is probably rising, particularly in developing nations. Its impact is not only on the quality of life for the individual, but also on health care costs. Although management outside the hospital is improving as a result of specialised clinics, heart failure remains a frequent cause of admission to hospital, which is the most important determinant of high health care cost. Fortunately there is a wealth of knowledge on its diagnosis, and a wide range of options for its treatment ranging from pharmacological agents to devices and transplantation. All physicians who encounter patients with heart failure need to understand the condition and be able to select the most appropriate management strategy for the individual patient.

Heart Failure: Current Clinical Understanding provides an easy-to-read, illustrated, up-to-date account of the diagnosis, epidemiology, management, and prognosis of heart failure, emphasising clinical aspects. It is written for undergraduate and postgraduate students, general and care-of-the-elderly physicians, trainees in cardiology, and primary care physicians. It summarises the methods of diagnosing heart failure, as well as recent developments in epidemiology and prognosis. Management is covered in detail, and the options for treatment are described according to current evidence. Given this knowledge, clinicians will be able to provide optimal treatment leading to an improved quality of life and outcome for the individual patient.

“The directness of the text reflects the broad knowledge and confidence of these two cardiologists, and the book is easy to read, a quality becoming ever rarer. The text is also accompanied by illustrations that are both relevant and useful. The book will be invaluable to students, primary-care physicians, health workers, and cardiovascular physicians.”

- Philip A Poole-Wilson, MB, MD, FRCP, FMedSci, Professor of Cardiology, British Heart Foundation Simon Marks Chair of Cardiology, National Heart & Lung Institute, Imperial College London

“This beautifully illustrated text provides an authoritative presentation of the current knowledge base on heart failure from a clinically relevant perspective. Moreover, the material is presented in a manner that is understandable to non-specialists in the area. Readers will be treated to an overview of the best management strategies currently available, together with information that will help to put these approaches into the context of the specific patient.”

- Barry Greenberg, MD, Professor of Medicine, Director, Advanced Heart Failure Treatment Program, University of California, San Diego

Professional & Technical
April 27
Remedica Medical Education and Publishing
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