How Did I Get Here?
Volume 1 – Rebel Without a Clue!
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Publisher Description
How Did I Get Here? is a memoir of a young boy growing up in the 1960s/70s in North-East Scotland. That young boy grew up to be me, Gordon Craigie.
I didn’t set out to write a humorous book, but apparently it is… which is a good thing. Inside you’ll find deeply philosophical/ridiculous gems such as:
“It may turn out to be a story of our times, those of us who straddle the cusp of baby boomers and Generation X. Or, it may not…”
“As I took my first faltering steps onto the surface it was clear that my Bambi-on-ice technique was never going to get me anywhere…”
If you enjoy reading Volume 1: Rebel Without a Clue! then make sure to watch out for Volume 2 which will pick up where this one leaves off and prove conclusively that older doesn’t necessarily mean wiser! And if you don’t enjoy it… what’s wrong with you?