How Likely Are You to Get Sick? 5 Funny Quizzes Including: Are Your Children Plotting to Kill You? Who Is Your Most Famous Ancestor? What Is Your Aptitude Dinosaur-wise? Do You Need to See a Doctor?
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Publisher Description
This is a book all about you! In this quiz book parody, the sillier the question, the sillier the answer. By spending precious minutes of your life taking these five funny quizzes you can find out:
How Likely Are You to Get Sick? (Disclaimer: Licking other people's shoelaces could increase your risk of contracting an illness.)Are Your Children Plotting to Kill You? (Or will it just be a happy accident?)Who Is Your Most Famous Ancestor? (And how closely are you related?)What Is Your Aptitude Dinosaur-wise? (It's good to know the difference between a happy little hadrosaur and a hungry, hunting T. rex.)Do You Need to See a Doctor? (Hint: Have any of your body parts become detached recently?)
You are about to set off on your own personal journey of self-discovery – but first, some quizzes.
15 minute quick read
#1 Should You Be Allowed to Pilot a Motor Vehicle?
#2 Are You a Superhero?
#3 What Colour is Your Personality?
#4 Does Your DIY Require Professional Help?
#5 Will You Survive a Safari?
#6 Which of Robin Hood's Merry Men Are You?
#7 How Likely Are You to Catch an Illness?
#8 Is Your Boss Out to Get You?
Full series also available in a paperback volume.
"I wish I had published them. But we don't actually publish quizzes here."
- editor, The Worldview from My Chair
"A book I would read, if I had 15 minutes."
- Edgar Hemingway
"A tour de force . . . is an accomplishment achieved with impressive skill."
- The Dictionary