How Not to Respond to a Critical Incident (First Person)
The Journal of Employee Assistance 2008, Jan, 38, 1
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Publisher Description
The morning of July 19, 2006, was sunny and beautiful, but my day began to darken when I received a call from one of our public health clinics. An employee had been brutally attacked by a patient, and the clinic's management wanted me there right away! Having responded to many critical incidents (CIs) over the past 19 years, I generally don't start providing clinical services as soon as the caller requests. However, this caller was an employee following her manager's urgent instruction to contact me, and since I didn't get to triage the situation like I usually do, I decided to just go and see what they needed.
A Small Contribution
Dealing with the Aftermath: A Qualitative Analysis of Mental Health Social Workers' Reactions After a Client Suicide.
Reimagining Customer Service in Healthcare: Boost Loyalty, Profits, and Outcomes
A Careless Business: An Insider’s Account of Social Care In the UK
Communication Rx: Transforming Healthcare Through Relationship-Centered Communication
Generation-Specific Motivational Strategies: EA Professionals can Help Managers and Employees Understand How Different Generations Respond to Different Types of Motivation (Focus: Managing Multiple Generations in the Workplace)
Asperger's Syndrome at Work: What EA Professionals Need to Know
Winning with Cross-Generational Teams: EA Professionals Who Understand the Characteristics Common to All Generations of Workers can Use Their "Soft Skills" to Coach Employees and Inspire Them to Make the Most of Their Abilities (Focus: Managing Multiple Generations in the Workplace)
Observing the Dos and Don'ts of Management Consulting (Effective Management Consulting)
Helping Targets & Their Employers Effectively Resolve Workplace Bullying (Feature Article)
Integrating Conflict Resolution Into Eaps: Many of the Skills Needed for Conflict Resolution are Familiar to EA Professionals and can be Used to Provide Additional Services Or Enhance Existing Ones (Employee Assistance Professionals)