How Tia Lola Came to (Visit) Stay Other Books in This Series

De como tia Lola vino (de visita) a quedarse (How Aunt Lola Came to (Visit) StaySpanish Edition) De como tia Lola vino (de visita) a quedarse (How Aunt Lola Came to (Visit) StaySpanish Edition)
How Tia Lola Learned to Teach How Tia Lola Learned to Teach
De como tia Lola aprendio a ensenar (How Aunt Lola Learned to Teach Spanish Edition) De como tia Lola aprendio a ensenar (How Aunt Lola Learned to Teach Spanish Edition)
How Tia Lola Saved the Summer How Tia Lola Saved the Summer
De como tia Lola salvo el verano (How Aunt Lola Saved the Summer Spanish Edition) De como tia Lola salvo el verano (How Aunt Lola Saved the Summer Spanish Edition)
How Tia Lola Ended Up Starting Over How Tia Lola Ended Up Starting Over
De como tia Lola termino empezando otra vez (How Aunt Lola Ended Up Starting Over Spanish Edition) De como tia Lola termino empezando otra vez (How Aunt Lola Ended Up Starting Over Spanish Edition)