How to Attract Money Using Mind Power: A Concise Guide to Manifesting Abundance, Prosperity, Financial Success, Wealth, and Well-Being How to Attract Money Using Mind Power: A Concise Guide to Manifesting Abundance, Prosperity, Financial Success, Wealth, and Well-Being

How to Attract Money Using Mind Power: A Concise Guide to Manifesting Abundance, Prosperity, Financial Success, Wealth, and Well-Being

    • 4.3 • 158 Ratings
    • $4.99
    • $4.99

Publisher Description

“I love this book! It’s practical and inspiring. A real gem!”

--Dr. Joe Vitale, Bestselling Author of The Attractor Factor and a Star of the Hit Film "The Secret"

Can you really think and grow rich? Yes, you really can use practical metaphysics and the power of positive thinking to create the financial success, affluence, and prosperity you deserve. Most people never experience the wealth and abundance they could have because they never learn to think big or to manifest miracles. They may have vague wishes about getting rich or becoming a millionaire, yet they know nothing of the importance of having the proper money mindset to achieve those things.

Don’t let this be you. Yes, this book will teach you Law of Attraction principles and techniques, but it goes even further. Here is just some of what you will learn:

*How to increase your desire, belief, and expectancy to help insure you get all the money you want

*How to set money goals that will get you results

*How to think and feel as if, speak as if, and act as if in ways that cause your subconscious programming to activate the power of your subconscious mind to bring you more money

*How to use simple mind power techniques such as affirmation and visualization to create success and accomplishment in every area of your life—and especially *your financial life

*How to create the proper environment for generating wealth and attracting money

*How to work with the universal laws of money in ways that cause the universe to bring you a steady stream of all the money you could ever use

You will learn all this and so much more. And you will become so much more. With the help of the mystical secrets and practical knowledge you will learn from this amazing little book, you will gain the personal power to transform yourself into a money magnet and learn the success principles you need to know so you can finally live your dreams.

Health, Mind & Body
August 12
James Goi Jr.
Draft2Digital, LLC

Customer Reviews

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Dylan.Jones ,

Power of Thoughts and Action

Until about 3-4 months ago I have been in a very dark place in my life. By reading this book I have done a complete 180 on thoughts about my life and money situations. I have been able to get caught up on overdue bills, given money to those in need and so on. Very easy read but also so powerful. Follow the steps and you too can see change.

GI Muss Lim ,


This was a very clear and direct step by step learning experience. The grammar and punctuation was personalized and professional. I couldn’t see why someone that read this book wouldn’t see results if they were to follow the steps. I would recommend this book for readers and plan to read other books written by this author.

bradly mantz ,


i’m at a loss for words one day you will see how much this book changed my life typing these words i’m using his way of speaking in the book manifesting, and saying i will is the biggest thing in this book. his influence he put on me in this book is incredible and it is truly already changing my life i recommend to everyone who wants to learn not only just about wealth but about mindset and how to take care of yourself it’s truly incredible

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